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Iranian banks to issue forex CDs

The central bank will allow Iranian banks to issue certificates of deposits (CDs) denominated in foreign currencies, official media reported on Sunday.
The central bank said in a statement the total ceiling for CDs issued would be 1 billion euros ($1.3 billion). They will have a maturity of between one and five years and can be issued in euros, yen or UAE dirhams, it said.-Reuters


Stock Market

Asia Stock Indexes

Country: IndexLastChange% Chg
DJ Asia-Pacific91.860.570.62
DJ Asia-Pacific TSM891.232.940.33
Australia: All Ordinaries*3725.6031.700.86
Australia: S&P/ASX*3775.7028.200.75
China: DJ CBN China 60022037.8826.320.12
China: DJ Shanghai295.840.540.18
China: Shanghai 501943.21-0.14-0.01
China: Shanghai Composite2534.13-1.92-0.08
China: Shenzhen Composite859.51-0.87-0.10
Hong Kong: Hang Seng15573.32-96.30-0.61
India: Bombay Sensex11077.86-206.87-1.83
India: S&P CNX Nifty 503416.95-67.20-1.93
Indonesia: JSX Index1619.7526.081.64
Japan: Nikkei 225*8755.2612.300.14
Japan: Nikkei 300*168.56-0.71-0.42
Malaysia: DJ Malaysia177.080.020.01
Malaysia: DJ Malaysia TSM1766.02-2.67-0.15
New Zealand: NZX 50*2663.1462.492.40
Malaysia: KLSE Composite954.46-2.22-0.23
S. Korea: Seoul Composite*1336.723.630.27
Singapore: DJ Singapore148.060.000.00
Singapore: DJ Singapore TSM1232.41-2.01-0.16
Singapore: Straits Times1895.90-10.09-0.53
Taiwan: Weighted*5997.17121.982.08

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