
Just another Blog of forex and stock world

Forex The Future Investment

There are many many advantages over the various other ways of investing. First of all it is a 24 hr market, except for weekends of course. You have the US market then the european and then the Asian. One of the great times to trade is during the over lapping periods. The USA and european overlap between 5am & 9am eastern and the Euro & Asian between 11pm & 1am eastern. Usually the busiest time and best to trade.
The is also the risk factor for the accounts. With futures and options you can get margin calls that can wipe you out. If you get caught in a bad trade not only do you lose the money in the account but you may have to come up with alot more from your pocket. It can be very risking. But not in Forex. Worst case senerio you could lose whats in you account. But you would have to do something really stupid. Like making a big trade on a Fundamental day and leave it alone. If market takes a bad move and you weren't there. OOOPS. But That wouldn't happen with a smarth trader.
Then there are the demo accounts which is an account where you can trade using all the right things, platform,charts,and information. But you are using play money, or what we call paper trading too.
Plus with Forex you have a mini account. Instead of needing thousands of dollars to get into it. You can open an account with as little as $300.00. Now of course you will be trading at 1 tenth of a trade. IN other words you controling 10,000 instead of 100,000.00 These are call lots. Which also means you will only risk 1 tenth too!
So if you would love to learn to do investing and not have near the risk you really need to take a closer look at Forex trading.


Stock Market

Asia Stock Indexes

Country: IndexLastChange% Chg
DJ Asia-Pacific91.860.570.62
DJ Asia-Pacific TSM891.232.940.33
Australia: All Ordinaries*3725.6031.700.86
Australia: S&P/ASX*3775.7028.200.75
China: DJ CBN China 60022037.8826.320.12
China: DJ Shanghai295.840.540.18
China: Shanghai 501943.21-0.14-0.01
China: Shanghai Composite2534.13-1.92-0.08
China: Shenzhen Composite859.51-0.87-0.10
Hong Kong: Hang Seng15573.32-96.30-0.61
India: Bombay Sensex11077.86-206.87-1.83
India: S&P CNX Nifty 503416.95-67.20-1.93
Indonesia: JSX Index1619.7526.081.64
Japan: Nikkei 225*8755.2612.300.14
Japan: Nikkei 300*168.56-0.71-0.42
Malaysia: DJ Malaysia177.080.020.01
Malaysia: DJ Malaysia TSM1766.02-2.67-0.15
New Zealand: NZX 50*2663.1462.492.40
Malaysia: KLSE Composite954.46-2.22-0.23
S. Korea: Seoul Composite*1336.723.630.27
Singapore: DJ Singapore148.060.000.00
Singapore: DJ Singapore TSM1232.41-2.01-0.16
Singapore: Straits Times1895.90-10.09-0.53
Taiwan: Weighted*5997.17121.982.08

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